RIXIN FLOW INTERNATIONAL CO.,LIMITED was founded in 1997,is a research, development, production, sales flowmeter professional firms.The inductive type flow meter has the essence of the traditional flow emter and modern technology,And it was developed by QUANZHOU RIXIN company.It obtained the patent and into national quality technology superivision bureau 1997 technology ...more>>

Customization flow measurement program
Quanzhou rixin flow meter and instrument co.,ltd with the understanding of a variety of flow......

Flow meter was developed for high temperature,high pressure and small flow rate
Rixin flow company has a group of high-intermediate engineering and technical

After-sales service of 24 hours a day
Rixin company for products provide lifelong maintenance, commitment to service response time for the phone to answer within 2 hours

Product selection, User's Guide download
To provide product selection specifications, User's Guide , convenient for customers to download
Contact us>>
Tel: 86-0595-22488448
Fax:86- 0595-22460681